Stand Out in a Noisy World

Alycia Kinchloe
3 min readApr 30, 2021
Photo Description: yellow umbrella surrounded by black umbrellas

In the world of business it can feel like whatever you are doing or trying to do has already been done. We’ve probably all heard the phrase that “there is nothing new under the sun.” However, it doesn’t mean that you cannot use what is working elsewhere to stand out in your industry.

Why should they choose you over someone else? What is it about your firm, your salon, your store, that is different than the one across the street that is selling the same service or product? Is it speed? Is it atmosphere? Is it quality?You are essentially answering the question of what is or will be your competitive advantage?

Once you find what your competitive advantage is or should be, it’s time to drill down. I’ve been personally obsessed with the idea of third spaces. The idea of third spaces has been made popular by Starbucks and Barnes & Noble. These are places where people make spend long periods of time outside of their home and their job. I’ve taken this idea and applied it to my hair salon. How can we not only deliver excellent hair and beauty services, but how do we create an atmosphere where a person cannot wait to get to?

We have done this in several ways:

  1. We asked our clientele what they love and hate about their past beauty services experiences. We also did research to see what other salons were offering or doing wrong.



Alycia Kinchloe

Attorney and business owner helping others to grow their businesses. Check out the Growth Goal Podcast at